Gambero Rosso, Slow Wine and Guida Bibenda: an autumn full of emotions!
Autumn could only start in the best way at Ca’ del Baio: while the crisp air colours the leaves red, yellow and orange, the winery is in ferment, ready to welcome tourists and all the latest news for the last quarter of 2022.
First of all, our Barbaresco Asili 2019 was awarded 3 bicchieri by the Gambero Rosso guide: an important achievement for one of the undisputed pillars of our wine production.
Not to be outdone was the Barbaresco Vallegrande 2019, which was awarded Vino Slow by the Slow Food guide.
Finally, our flagship Barbaresco Asili Riserva 2017 was distinguished with no less than 5 grappoli given by the Bibenda Guide.
A special thank you therefore goes to all those who continue to support our philosophy but above all to love our wines, a symbol of passion, work and extreme constancy.
In short, an autumn full of emotions that gives us the right charge to end the year with a bang!
Paola, Valentina & Federica