

We are among the 100 best wineries in Italy according to Enrico Bernardo


The 54th issue of Vigneron debuts with a beautiful article written by the world’s best sommelier Enrico Bernardo.

Six pages in which he celebrates our country and the regional varietal difference we can proudly flaunt.

Bernardo describes our boot as, “l’Italie, terre des accords parfaits,” taking our minds on a journey through the sights and treasures our nation offers us.

He ends his ode with a selection of the best Italian wineries mentioning Ca’ del Baio within it.

Thank you Enrico for your continued confidence in our wines, it fills us with pride and satisfaction.

You can find us in the Vigneron, No. 54, on page 53.

Enjoy your reading (and drinking!)

Paola, Valentina & Federica